April 2021

Sunday, April 18th 2021
11.00 h

»Village Vanguard« - in white capital letters on a red background, these words are written in front of the entrance of Seventh Avenue, No. 178, Manhatten, New York. For this evening, we transfer the Village Vanguard to the hr-Sendesaal in Frankfurt, Germany, celebrating the music of one of the pioneering ensembles of jazz: the Vanguard Jazz Orchestra. For decades, every Monday evening, the band meets there and plays the arrangements of its major orchestra conductors Thad Jones, Mel Lewis, Bob Brookmayer and Jim McNeely. The band is proud to present their very own »Night at the Village Vanguard« with chief conductor and New Yorker Jim McNeely.
Jim McNeely, conductor & arrangements
Friday 23rd April 2021 – 20 h